M  i  s  c  a  n  t  h  u  s    B  r  e  e  d  i  n  g


What we are doing...


Success in novel plant breeding ventures such as those undertaken by the research team at IBERS require projects to be based on genetically diverse germplasm, detailed phenotype information, molecular genome characterisation, gene-trait associations and sound yield assessment; all of which have been initiated and developed in previous and on going projects funded by DEFRA, BBSRC and Ceres.


Now is the time to combine these efforts into a progressive targeted breeding programme based on commercial objectives.


and how we do it...

M i s c a n t h u s   B r e e d i n g   t o   p r o v i d e   s u s t a i n a b l e   g l o b a l   b i o e n e r g y   f o r   t h e   f u t u r e